Sexting and the Shame Spiral of untreated Trauma

How do PTSD symptoms secretly show up - Sexting as a coping mechanism

"People don't just wake up one day and become immoral bastards."

Trauma strips away our ability to feel joy from everyday things. It also drives us to put up a wall around our suffering, detaching from the situations we can't control.

What is an example of harmful behavior that can result from untreated trauma?

Sonny explains how the controlled and charged nature of sexting can present in emergency responders.

These behaviors go against the fundamental nature of those who choose to protect and serve our communities, so it's only natural that the shame and guilt of engaging in this type of stimulus only further isolate the person suffering.

If the person suffering from PTSD symptoms isn't aware that their behavior results from trauma, they're more likely to hide their suffering. This shame spiral can end up in broken relationships, failed careers, and exacerbate depression and substance abuse disorders.

Early EMDR interventions, such as the ASAP protocol, are effective in identifying and beginning treatment for PTSD because they don't force the participants to recount their trauma or its manifested symptoms.

The ASAP was specifically designed for First Responders to be more condensed and gives the a clear worksheet to follow along with, which plays into their fundamental training to execute procedures and follow systems.

As a result, first responders are reporting a better subjective experience when using the ASAP Early EMDR intervention compared to previous Early EMDR intervention protocols.

The more we can build systems that encourage training of ASAP paraprofessionals in responder agencies as well as consistent application after trauma, the more likely we are to improve first responder wellness on the job and at home.

Lara Dickson


Hailing from Vermont, USA, Lara Dickson is a ravenous Squarespace designer and enthusiast, Certified Squarespace SEO Expert, Squarespace Circle member, graphic designer, former organic vegetable and heritage breed pig farmer.


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